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Membership Terms & Conditions of purchase
updated 24 February 2023
This policy ensures that Limhamn Pilates can continue to offer a variety of options for Pilates training at various price points.



General Terms and Conditions for Limhamn Pilates Malmö membership

These general conditions apply to agreements between Limhamn Pilates Malmö and the Member

(the person to whom this agreement applies).

The agreement is personal and cannot be transferred to another person.

Membership includes participation in the facility's offerings during its opening hours.
All memberships are digital, membership cards/clip cards are digitally in the app and on the customer's member profile.
No physical membership cards/clip cards are distributed.


Membership and payment terms 

Membership to Limhamn Pilates is included within our fees.

Members have an obligation to read all terms and conditions before purchase and ensure they are clear on our terms & conditions. The purchase is the members implicit agreement to our terms. We do not offer refunds.

Limhamn Pilates Malmö offers different types of membership. All amounts include VAT (0%) and refer to payment in SEK currency.

The agreed price assumes that payment takes place in the agreed manner.


Membership group training with monthly payment - The membership is binding for the minimum period stated at purchase and thereafter applies continuously (pay monthly) until either the membership has finished or is cancelled.

Limhamn Pilates has the right to terminate any membership without explanation.

Memberships are not extended for members holidays.

Payment of the monthly fee is made via account/credit card and continuously in advance. With monthly billing, the due date is in line with the purchase each month.

The exception is if that day falls on a holiday when payment will be charged to the card on the nearest banking day before the due date.
If there is no debit on the customer's account/credit card on the day of the transfer/debit, the membership is automatically cancelled and is immediately due for direct payment to Limhamn Pilates including an administration fee of 350kr. It is not possible for the member to train until all outstanding money is paid

A reminder for the overdue monthly fee will be sent.
The member has fulfilled his payment obligation when the stated amount has been received by Limhamn Pilates Malmö. If payment is not received by the due date for the reminder, Limhamn Pilates Malmö reserves the right to charge any late payment interest according to the Interest Act and, where applicable, collection costs.


Membership group training Annual pass – Group training Annual pass automatically expires indefinitely until the Member terminates the agreement. Termination must take place in person and in writing via email no later than 30 days before the start of a new period.

Periodic or 12 month memberships cannot be canceled early. The member undertakes to pay the entire fee due for the minimum binding period.


Membership group training Clip card – Group training clip card is valid for the period stated at purchase. Unused clips expire thereafter and cannot be used.

The clip card is personal and cannot be transferred to another person.


Membership personal training – Personal Training and PT Group are signed as clip cards. Personal Training and PT Group/Duo Clip Cards are valid for the period as stated at the date of purchase.

Unused clips expire thereafter and cannot be used.

The clip card is personal and cannot be transferred to another person.

PT sessions are between 40 -  55 minutes in duration.


Payment via invoice – When paying via invoice, a credit period of seven to ten days applies. Age limit for invoice payment is 18 years. No invoice fee is added to the invoices. Limhamn Pilates Malmö reserves the right to charge interest according to law, administrative fees, reminder fees and collection costs in case of late or non-payment.


Missing payment - If the Member does not pay for membership in accordance with the agreed payment terms, Limhamn Pilates Malmö has the right to suspend the Member by blocking membership and other memberships for training until payment is made.

In the event of non-payment, interest and a reminder fee as well as any administrative fee will be charged. The case is then handed over to debt collection.



In order for the member to be able to pay for purchased membership, payments for e-commerce need to be approved via their bank.


Freezing of membership in special circumstances

Customers who, due to special circumstances, cannot use their membership for a certain period of time, can freeze their membership against a valid medical certificate.

Freezing of membership

In the event of injury, illness, pregnancy is granted for a maximum of 60 days. During pregnancy, we can freeze up until three months after expected birth.

If the membership needs to be frozen longer than these three months after the birth date, the member needs to prove this with a certificate.


Valid certificates:
Illness / injury: Medical certificate
Pregnancy: No certificate required
The membership freeze request is sent to


Cancellation rules

Group training must be cancelled 8 hours before the booked group training class.

If cancellation occurs later than 8 hours before the booked group training class, the class fee is witheld or a fee of SEK 199 will be charged.

Personal Training, PT & Free classes must be canceled no later than 24 hours before the booked training time.

If a cancellation is made later than 24 hours before the booked time, the full class fee will be charged


Rules of Procedure

Limhamn Pilates Malmö has an age limit of 16. Members must follow rules and instructions regarding training methods and training equipment provided by Limhamn Pilates Malmö staff.

Members must behave in a way that does not disturb other members, guests, staff or the Limhamn Pilates brand both during and outside our classes.

Any disturbance of other members will result in immediate cancellation of any membership / plan.

Members must arrive 5 minutes before class for the booked training session, if 5 minutes late, the Member may be denied a place in the group training class.

Limhamn Pilates reserves the right to change an instructor or provide comparable training at another


The member is responsible for accompanying guests following applicable rules and instructions.

Member or guest may not trade in goods or perform services in Limhamn Pilates Malmö premises.

Only Limhamn Pilates Malmö may instruct and train members in Limhamn Pilates Malmö premises

Limhamn Pilates students are not to start to teach other Limhamn Pilates members during classes.

Members may only stay in Limhamn Pilates Malmö premises in connection with training or events.

Members may not use Limhamn Pilates Malmö premises for personal training or use Limhamn Pilates Malmö equipment and devices on their own.

Personal items must not taken into the training rooms, and must be stored in the cloakroom. Limhamn Pilates does not assume any responsibility for your belongings.

Valuables must be locked in the changing room lockers.

Members must leave Limhamn Pilates Malmö premises no later than closing time.

Personal items left behind in Limhamn Pilates Malmö premises may be removed.

If the owner does not claim such things within 14 days, Limhamn Pilates Malmö may, at its own discretion, throw or, in the case of valuables, hand them over to the police.

Limhamn Pilates Malmö has the right to suspend the Member for a certain period of time or terminate the agreement with immediate effect if the Member violates the rules of order.

Limhamn Pilates Malmö is not responsible for losses due to theft, burglary or for any other reason for damage to the customer's or other visitors' belongings.


Liability and disclaimer

All training takes place at your own risk.

Limhamn Pilates Malmö is not responsible for personal injury caused to the Member due to accident or as a result of another member's or guest's actions or lack thereof.

Each Member and their guest are responsible for ensuring that their state of health is such that they can participate without risk in the activities they choose at Limhamn Pilates Malmö.

Limhamn Pilates Malmö has the right, after consultation with the Member, to cancel the membership if the training results in a deterioration of the member's health.


Changes in opening hours

Limhamn Pilates Malmö reserves the right to make changes in opening hours, schedule, training times as well as in premises and equipment, which may lead to limitations in the offer.

Limhamn Pilates Malmö has the right to close the premises and the business for holidays, other events, renovation, maintenance and development of the business.


Change of the customer's personal data

The customer must immediately notify Limhamn Pilates Malmö of changes to personal information such as name, address, telephone number or e-mail address.

The customer must ensure their Swedish Personal number is identified on our system.

Limhamn Pilates Malmö is not responsible for cases where any payment reminder or information does not reach the customer at the address specified by the customer.


Customer register in database

All customers are registered in a database. By accepting this agreement, the customer consents to that registration. Limhamn Pilates Malmö processes information about the customer in order to provide and administer customer systems that the customer has agreed to. The customer's data is processed in accordance with the Personal Data Act. Information is not disclosed to third parties unless the processing is necessary for the current purpose with balancing of interests as a legal basis.


In that I, after booking any training at Limhamn Pilates Malmö as a signing customer, approve the conditions, I agree that withdrawals may be made from the specified account/card at the request of the payee Limhamn Pilates Malmö for transfer to him.


Other payer

If another person or company that has assumed payment responsibility for the customer in the agreement interrupts the payments, the customer is jointly and severally liable for payment.


Force Majeure Limhamn Pilates Malmö is not responsible for interruptions in training opportunities that are due to circumstances beyond Limhamn Pilates Malmö's control, such as water damage, fire damage or other damage to the training facility, strike, lockout, natural disaster or authority decision.



Limhamn Pilates Malmö reserves the right, without giving reasons, to immediately terminate the agreement before it's ended.

In the event of early termination before the minimum period of membership months, for reasons other than the Member's breach of contract, the part of the prepaid payment that has not been used up is refunded.

Memberships are not extended for members holidays.



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Purchase & Cancellatin Policy
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Est. 2016 




Annual Meeting 7 April 


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