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Reformer for maximum support

Your purchase is your agreement to our booking terms
 terms & conditions


1 Registrera dig

För att köpa och dra nytta av det här paketet, logga in på ditt konto eller registrera dig.

2 Betalning


Varaktighet: 0 dagar

Säker betalning

Late cancellation
Group classes:  8
Private 1:1 / 2:1: & Free classes: 24 Hours
Please arrive 5 minutes before class.
In case of late cancellation or no-show, class clip witheld or 199kr will be charged on all classes.

We do not allow zips or hard plastic on training gear or sharp hair slides as these can damage our equipmentThe wearing of toe socks from 1 September is compulsary for hygiene.Please tie your hair up for your safety to avoid it catching a spring.Your purchase is your agreement to our booking termsPlease allow good time for your payment to clear before booking your classSome banks can be slower than others terms & conditions

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